

蒙著嘴說愛你 姜濤 作詞:陳詠謙 作曲:紹斌/李俊緯/吳周爍 可否一覺甦醒 推開窗看看風景 混亂日子不見蹤影 鳥語花香呼應 阻止黑暗得逞 始終相信惡夢會過 健康與和平 不必依靠偶然性 愛接愛 人連人 可以一拼 活化 我心境 So I say I love you 只有愛恆久不枯 生活在劫難裡 心靈從未給沾污 天給我貧病困苦 笑著去吃苦 沒怨恨誰人可惡 So I say I love you 花半秒唇齒功夫 使淡靜歲月變豐富 即使要蒙著我嘴 我亦可高呼 全憑愛令我堅持 還有你悉心照顧 多想趕快歸隊 必須將鬥志高舉 但願上天給我應許 眷顧身邊的愛侶 巴不得吻這張嘴 即將一切會成過去 幸福悄悄伴隨 此刻身處過程裡 嚇怕了 難捱時 不撤不退 集氣 再爭取 So I say I love you 只有愛恆久不枯 生活在劫難裡 心靈從未給沾污 即使要蒙著我嘴 我亦可高呼 全憑愛令我堅持 還有你悉心照顧 不在乎 多在乎 生於這世界 還有一些牽掛令我在乎 等天際亮了 不區分喜惡 除下這隔膜打個招呼 So I say I love you 只有愛恆久不枯 生活在劫難裡 希望從未給沾污 天給我磨練也好 我未敢辜負 誰要被懷疑低估 Here We say I love you 都變了甜品師傅 巧妙地化掉這點苦 即使要蒙著我嘴 更大聲歡呼 全憑愛令人堅持 還有各位的照顧

When a child is born






Blowing In The Wind

Blowing In The Wind Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man? Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand? Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly Before they're forever banned? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky? Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind How many years can a mountain exist Before it's washed to the sea? Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free? Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head Pretending he just doesn't see? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answe...

Romance de Amour


Mission Impossible


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you

Time in a Bottle

Time in a Bottle Jim Croce Lyrics:Jim Croce Music:Jim Croce If I could save time in a bottle The first thing that I'd like to do Is to save every day Till Eternity passes away Just to spend them with you If I could make days last forever If words could make wishes come true I'd save every day like a treasure and then, Again, I would spend them with you But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do Once you find them I've looked around enough to know That you're the one I want to go Through time with If I had a box just for wishes And dreams that had never come true The box would be empty Except for the memory Of how they were answered by you But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do Once you find them I've looked around enough to know That you're the one I want to go Through time with




Today I'll be a dandy, and I'll be a rover You'll know who I am by the songs that I sing I'll feast at your table, I'll sleep in your clover Who cares what tomorrow shall bring Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine I'll taste your strawberries and I'll drink your sweet wine A million tomorrows shall all pass away Ere I forget all the joy that is mine, today I can't be contented with yesterday's glory I can't live on promises winter to spring Today is my moment and right now is my story I'll laugh and I'll cry and I'll sing Today, while the blossoms still cling to the vine I'll taste your strawberries and I'll drink your sweet wine A million tomorrows shall all pass away Ere I forget all the joy that is mine, today




靜靜地 靜靜地 隔開世俗情 自有了你 這世界頓變靜又寧 傳達心聲送柔情 眼波中相呼應 甜在心中多溫馨 淺笑盈 靜靜地 靜靜地 眼波送柔情 願你與我 會永遠愉快又熱情 情在心中相溝通 兩顆心相呼應 情話心曲太迷人 風也在聽


“愛的羅曼史”這首樂曲,主旋律取材於西班牙傳統民謠。1952年,法國影片“被禁止的遊戲”的導演,邀請西班牙著名吉他演奏家葉佩斯,為這部影片配樂。該影片的主題音樂就是這首“愛的羅曼史”,“被禁止的遊戲”上映以後,“愛的羅曼史”廣為流傳,並成為所有知名吉他演奏家的保留曲目;樂曲優美純樸的旋律與清澈的分解 和弦完全溶為一體,充滿溫柔,是吉他曲中的一首不朽名作。這首曲子的含義:是葉佩斯為了表達電影主題而改的西班牙民謠所以名字叫浪漫故此此曲也是吉他學習者的必須學的一首曲子。


零時十分 作詞:林振強 作曲:林子祥 編曲:Chirs Babida 零時十分 倚窗看門外暗燈 迷途夜雨靜吻路人 曾在雨中 你低聲的說: happy birthday my love one 為何如今 只得我呆望雨絲 呆呆坐至夜半二時 拿著兩杯凍的香檳說: happy birthday to me 綿綿夜雨 無言淚珠 陪我慶祝今次生辰 綿綿夜雨 無言淚珠 齊來為我添氣氛 無人夜中 穿起那明豔舞衣 呆呆獨坐直至六時 拿著兩杯暖的香檳說: happy birthday to me


朋友 記得那天共你初初見面 談到你的理想 並祝他朝對現  誰不知分開只有數年 共你相逢 先感覺到兩家亦在變  講起理想 大家苦笑共對 說起往年 共你相對無言 如今雙方痛楚 在於只顧實際 才令你我理想改變 朋友放聲痛哭 或者得到快樂 時間永不再返 夢想不可再現  人一生匆匆三數十年 莫怨當年 輕輕錯失機會萬遍 要若回頭 未必可再遇見 你的往年 未必勝目前 大家舉杯痛飲  大家一再互勉 期望你我運氣轉變

等 陳百強 作詞:鄭國江 作曲:陳百強 等 寂寞到夜深 夜已漸荒涼 夜已漸昏暗 莫道你在選擇人 人亦能選擇你 公平原沒半點偏心 苦澀 慢慢向著心裡滲 何必抱怨 曾令醉心是誰人 自願吻別心上人 糊塗換來一生淚印 何故 明是痛苦傷心 還含著笑裝開心 今宵的你可憐還可憫 目睹她遠去 她的腳印 心中永印 糊塗是你的一顆心 他朝你將無窮的後悔 這一生你的心裡滿哀困


紅葉斜落我心寂寞時 鍾鎮濤 作詞:盧永強 作曲:Richard Marx 情意托雨絲 飄忽到此 斜落我心寂寞時 和你愛到此 方會知 如斷藕牽著愛意 人懷念你心更痴 人懷念你生悔意 當天你別離 還留十數字 似告知春天有再會時 秋色信內藏 憑紅葉暗示 常期望春天很快步至 紅葉作信紙 講你知 人未變心未曾移 何以你遠走 益增愛思 才是我生命諷刺 人懷念你心更痴 人懷念你生悔意 當天你別離 還留十數字 似告知春天有再會時 秋色信內藏 憑紅葉暗示 常期望春天早些飄至 人到今天方可明白 你的愛 求你珍惜彼此承諾 重頭開始 人懷念你心更痴 人懷念你生悔意 當天你別離 還留十數字 似告知春天有再會時 秋色信內藏 憑紅葉暗示 常期望春天早些飄至 再會何時 人仍在痴痴等著你